achcha - good
ahetu ki kripa - the unmerited love of God for man
amrit - nectar of God
ananda - bliss
annas - cents
ardha kumba mela - Kumbha melas are held every 12 years. The ardha, or half-Kumbha, is 6 years after the Kumbha mela.
arti - offering of lights in worship
ashrams - place of spiritual community
avatar - incarnation of God
baba - a holy man
badmash - wicked
Badrivishal - the presiding deity of Badri
baharupiya - someone who can disguise himself in many ways, or take any form
betel - a nut that is chewed with spices
bhai - brother
Bhagwan - God
bhajan - holy songs of remembrance of God
bhakta - devotee
bhakti - devotion
bhandara - a feast given in honor of a saint or God
Brahmakapal - a pilgrimage site where Brahma's skull rests
chalo - let's go
channa - chickpeas
chapati - Indian flat bread
dahi - yogurt
dal - lentils
dandi - palanquin
darshan - audience or meeting with a saint
darshanarthis - those who do pilgrimage to have the darshan of God at various temples or holy shrines
Devbhumi - land of the gods
dharmsala - Hostel for pilgrims
dhoti - long cloth worn as man's garment
dhuni - sacred fire
diksha - initiation
ekadasi - day of fasting
fakir - Muslim holy man
Gayatri Maha Yagna - large fire ceremony to worship the Goddess Gayatri
ghee - clarified butter
gram - chickpea flour
gur - brown sugar
halwa - porridge-like sweet
harijans - untouchables, the lowest class of the caste system
hatha yoga - system of physical postures
havan - sacred fire
havankund - place where fire ceremonies are performed
Hazur - lord
Ishtadev - chosen deity of worship
jalebi - a deep-fried sweet
janeu - sacred thread worn by Brahmins
jao - go away
japa - repetition of the names of God
jhuta - something that has been polluted or contaminated
kabob/kalia - meat delicacies
kamandal - water bowl or begging bowl of a sadhu
kharabhar - bad for one
khir - rice pudding
Khuda - God
kirtan - chanting the name of God
kripa - Grace
kurta - Shirt
kya? - What?
laddoos - a sweet made from chick pea flour
langoti - loincloth
lila - play, as in Divine play
lota - metal pot for carrying liquid
mahatmas - great-souled ones
malpua - a deep-fried sweet dumpling
manan - to think and reflect
mantra - sacred syllable or names of God for repetition
mithai - sweets, candy
moksha - liberation
murti - image of God, in stone, marble, clay, etc.
namaskar - greeting
nasha - intoxication
neem - a tree with medicinal properties
nidhidhyanan - to make something a part of your own nature
nishkam karma - desireless, selfless action
pahari - someone or something from the mountains
paigambar - prophet
pandit - learned scholar
param - supreme
paribhramana - itinerant wandering monk
parikrama - circumambulate
pera - sweet made from milk
pir - saint
pranam - bow in front of
pranayam - breathing exercise
puja - ritual worship
pujari - one who leads the worship
pukka - ripe, ready, matured
puris - deep fried puffy breads
Ram - a name of God
Ramdhun - Tune composed praising Shri Ram
Ram Nam - the name of Ram, or God
rasgullas - Bengali sweet
Rashravan - hearing the scriptures or the holy men
rishis - The highest of Sages or Seers
roti - bread
sabji - vegetable
Sab thik ho jaega - Maharajji's favorite saying, "Everything will be all right"
sadachar - good conduct
sadhak - the worshipper or spiritual practitioner
sadhan - means of worship
sadhana - spiritual endeavor
sadhu - holy man
sadhya - object or goal of worship
samadhi - The mind becomes immersed in God; also used to denote leaving the body
samsara - physical world, world of illusion
samskaras - past karma and conditioned tendencies
sannyas - renunciation
sannyasins - renunciates
santosh - contentment
satsang - gathering of devotees
seva - service
shakti - power
shanti - peace
sharanagata - bestowing of refuge
sharanagath - one who has taken refuge
shilpakar - outcast
Shiva-ling - stone representation of the male principal of creation, or the unity of the soul
shraddhaa - faith
shraddha - ritual of offering to the ancestors
shravan - hearing the scriptures of the holy men
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram - the great mantra of Ram
siddhis - powers
siddhas - perfect masters, often with miraculous powers
soma - nectar of the gods
tapas - austerities
thik hai - okay or correct
tiffin - metal food container
tonga - horse carriage
totaka - poetic meter
tripta - satisfied
tulsi - sacred leaf
Vaikuntha - abode of Lord Vishnu, heaven
vairagya - falling away of worldly attachment
vanaprastha - the third stage of life when a householder retires to the forest
vasanas - desire for an object, or for personal enjoyment
yogiraj - A title meaning 'King of Yogis'